Rhikter Torn
Age: 17 (permanently)
Rhikter isn't so much of a character, as he is an idea.
Rhikter is my male counterpart; a representation of myself. Rhikter is a half-vampire, with a small bat friend named Noir, who turns into a scythe. He is a loner type, and a bit of a sarcastic smart-ass. He is logical, occasionally rude, but all with good intentions. Mostly: he's a bit of a trouble maker. He often takes jobs in taking tortured souls over to the other side. Rhikter initially came from the "Shadowlands", a place of complete darkness and hate. He abandoned his position there for one of more neutral standing. Nameless is his half-brother, but they exchange no contact. They share a passionate hate for one another. Because he is as ever-changing as I am, he doesn't have a solid steady design, just more a general pattern. Key elements he tends to keep (in his recent design) are silver stud snake bite piercings, longish black hair with partial bangs, and snake tattoos on his left arm. His eyes are typically ice blue, but when angered or in a more primal state, they are the classic vampire red. He is my main character. |